First Contact Resolution (FCR)
What is First Contact Resolution?
Valuable customer experience and employee engagement content.
When calculating your customer health score, what approach does your organization take? Many companies rely on signals and data from product usage, support tickets, or Net Promoter Score to paint a...
Every company faces some degree of churn. To combat this, companies turn to existing customers for upsell / cross-sell opportunities to offset lost revenue from downgrades or cancellations. Venture...
I recently posed this question on LinkedIn: Who in your organization receives the results and feedback from your Voice of the Customer program? The conversation it sparked among my peers was...
The first experience a new customer has with your company sets the stage for a successful relationship. Therefore, a smooth onboarding experience is critically important to not only ensure product...
In my previous article on verbatim feedback, we explored some of the ways you can organize and systematically analyze open-ended feedback collected from your B2B customer surveys. Whether you...
When it comes to collecting customer feedback, scores of software companies count on in-app surveys to understand customer sentiment in real-time. But is the feedback received an effective way of...
Customer feedback is a lifeline for your organization. With a clear line of sight into the evolving needs and expectations of your customers, you are better positioned to get ahead of the competition...
There is a lot of literature and opinion out there when it comes to evaluating customer sentiment collected from your surveys in a B2B environment. From Net Promoter Score (NPS) to Customer...
As the marketing leader in your organization, you’ve likely been asked to play a pivotal role in the customer experience (CX). Justifiably, many CEOs are charging CMOs to embrace this responsibility...